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LEGO Transmedia Storytelling

Tapping into Henry Jenkins' notion that toys are a powerful medium for storytrelling, LEGO embarked on a transmedia strategy in order to revive its brand.

The company embraced transmedia storytelling as a part of its brand strategy after realising it was facing competition on all fronts and could no longer just remain a toy brand.

The company brought its products to life through multiple platforms and embraced the mantra of being in the ‘business of imagination’.

LEGO is considered one of the leading transmedia storytelling brands. LEGO tells its stories acorss multiple platforms such as Cinema, TV, comics, online and video games.

  • Movies: LEGO Movie (2014), The Lego Batman Movie and Ninjago (2017), The Lego Movie Sequel (2018)

  • DVD: Numerous direct to DVD releases with the first one in 2003.

  • TV: Bionicle, Ninjago

  • Games: available on and across all gaming platforms (X-box, Playstation)

  • Fan participation: YouTube is filled with fan-made clips using stop-motion animation featuring Lego products. These clips tell a unique story.

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